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About Co-Immune

Co-Immune boosts immunity and energy. It is traditionally used for colds and flu, cough and to ward against infections. Co-Immune combines the benefits of both Artemisia Annua and African Ginger.


African ginger (Siphonochilus Aethiopicus) is a popular South African medicinal plant. It is so effective that it has been harvested in the wild to the point that it is now virtually extinct in many parts of South Africa. The African ginger in Co-Immune is sustainably grown by a community project in rural Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.


Artemisia Annua is a Chinese plant, containing Artesimisin, a compound which is extracted from the Artemisia Annua plant and used to produce conventional pharmaceuticals used to treat malaria, such as Co-Artem.  There is a vast body of research demonstrating the use of Artemisia Annua in malaria.

Our Story

Dr Cleve McIntosh, a medical doctor trained at the University of Cape Town and living with his family in a malaria area first heard about Artemisia Annua in 2002 from a missionary doctor working in rural Mozambique. In the hospital where this missionary doctor was working Artemisia Annua was used as an affordable and effective treatment of malaria.


Dr McIntosh decided to investigate and travelled to Zimbabwe and later also Malawi to learn more about how it was used by a German pharmacist, Dr Hirt, who had used it for many years at missionary hospitals in central Africa.


Returning to South Africa, Dr Cleve used it extensively for patients in his practice and others in his community. After a child at school with his children died of malaria, he felt duty bound to make it more widely available to others.


Following careful research and discussions with other medical doctors with decades of experience in herbal medicine, Co-Immune, a uniquely potent combination of Artemisia Annua and African ginger (Siphonochilus Aethiopicus) was developed.


African Ginger

(Siphonochilus Aethiopicus)


Sweet Annie

(Artemisia Annua)

Research Articles

Research Articles

Artemesia Annua in Viral and other Infections

Artemsia annua has a wide range of pharmacological effects such as anti-tumor, regulating immunity, anti-schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) and anti-malaria. 

African Ginger: Highly Prized, Almost Extinct

Research from the UP and UKZN documented how African Ginger has been found to be so effective for a range of ailments, that this once widespread plant, has now been harvested to a point just short of extinction.

Can Plants Treat Serious Diseases?

Plants have provided medical science with important medicines. Siphonochilus aethiopicus, a traditional remedy for the treatment of allergic asthma

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